четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NT: Conflict of interest safety-net widened across entire govt

NT: Conflict of interest safety-net widened across entire govt

The Northern Territory government has widened its crackdown on potential conflictsof interest to all executive public servants.

Northern Territory Chief Minister CLARE MARTIN says about 400 top-level public servantsacross all government departments will be told to quit their directorships of companiesthat do business with the territory government.

The move follows an inquiry into conflict of interest claims in the health department,including one public servant who's a director of a company that's won millions of dollarsworth of contracts with the department.

Senior health department executive STEPHEN MOO's been cleared of any conflict of interest.

But he's been told to divest his interests in the company Modular Medical Productsor quit his job.

Ms MARTIN says executive officers will also need to disclose their private financialinterests and other business dealings that could give rise to conflict in writing.

AAP RTV km/dl/jmt


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